None of Thresh's tooltips mention that he can pick up souls with his lantern
The souls dropped by enemies through Thresh's passive can be picked up by him throwing his lantern with W at them. This is not mentioned in his tooltips.
Not the description on his passive, not his W, nothing. This seems like a mechanic that should at least be mentioned somewhere. In fact, isn't this the exact reason Riot introduced "Hold Shift to read more" ability descriptions? To clarify smaller mechanics?
Same with Draven's W. It is not stated in the tooltip that you're ghosted (can move through units) for the whole duration. This allows you to pick axes easily that are through units.
Edit: I only found it out first when I used it to trade in lane once, I was like "but I didn't have Phantom Dancer yet?" until I tried it again for a second time, it was basically an epiphany moment
I have been playing this fucking game for 10 years and never knew this.
Rofl I main draven (500k) and forgot about this.
Also katarina w. Makes you ghosted aswell, there's a couple of these.
Wait, is that why the enemy Thresh throws his lantern at me randomly sometimes? I thought that was BM
Can be soul collecting and can be that he is trying to bm/bait you.
Lmao how would that bait someone, make him flash or something
Lantern has a long cooldown. Throwing it somewhere just for souls means there no lantern for a little skirmish so people are more aggressive
Throwing lanterns to stop enemies from recalling is the best. They get afraid and move back haha
You can also block movement with thresh lantern - for example you can't walk between the turret and the wall botlane if there's a thresh lantern in the way. If I'm standing towards Tri and pressuring a dive, I will toss the lantern at that spot inbetween turret and wall if they're near it and they will face plant the lantern and panic flash or be at risk of being easily hooked.
Its situational, but it definitely has its uses
I feel like a quarter of the in-game mechanics are missing from tooltips anyway
Was playing Nunu in ARAM yesterday and the tooltip said absolutely nothing about maximum duration of the snowball roll (medium important) or how they get slow immunity while having the snowball (absolutely essential!)
Honestly: Do it. Give us the option between "simple" and "full" tooltip so that the casual player can read the simple one while the more invested can actually read what the shit their champ does.
Well, they were supposed to, I think ever since Aatrox rework they have added "shift to view whole description" but for 99% of champ's abilities it adds nothing useful when you do it.
new champions like akali, aatrox and whatever have an option to show a different tool tip if you press shift or if you enable the "always show extended tooltips" option. its really useless though because it basically adds nothing. for example: akali Q states in her normal tool tip that her q does 125% damage to minions at rank 5, while the extended tool tip just converts that 125% into the actual damage of it instead
and i think tahm kench had it added to his R where if you hold shift it adds a quote which doesnt add anything to it at all at the bottom of the description
On the other side of the spectrum, we have senna's passive which hides the fact that she deals reduced crit damage untill you press shift.
You can pick up souls with Senna's Q. I don't recall it being mentioned
Her Q acts as an AA for everything
Plants,wards, structures,people,souls.
Most importantly, Glacial Augment. Aery is...ok but the slow is incredibly valuable and consistent.
Autos are guaranteed, the slow ensures that your follow up Q will always land.
In the reverse, your random fishing Q catching an enemy, will slow them and allow you to walk up to auto.
There's too much value in her getting the 1-2 punch both in damage and soul collected. It's already worth it over the damage/shield of Aery or any other dps keystones if having glacial secured you an extra proc every few trades.
Glacial only gets better in mid-late game team fight, especially when your range gets to 650+. One tag and now they're in real danger of you hitting an easy W.
Tahm Kench doesn't even describe how it works with allied champions anymore.
Camille's Q tooltip doesn't mention she gets additional auto attack range, either.
Holy fucking shit I knew I wasn't crazy
Renekton w gives him 50 extra range